Here is a Discount Code for the whole month of April!


This will get you 10% off your whole order




Instead of the normal discount for a one class of item bracelets, earrings, pendants.  I am giving you 10% off your whole order this month. Yeah!


Now you might be thinking to yourself the quote is "April showers bring May flower" and you would be correct, but the quote really only works for colder climes.  Here in the south our spring start earlier and our flowers in North Carolina bloom in April so in honer on my climate zone the discount is for April flowers.  and you know it messes with peoples heads, so Bonce : )

Last year I tried to post a monthly special on the first Monday of that month and I am kicking that tradition off again. Since I was a bit slack for the beginning of the year, figured that this months should be particularly good.  Also I have started to post the discounts for each month on Retail Me Not so you should be able to find the discounts there, just type in uniquecreationsbyamy.

Have Fun Shopping ; )