by Amy Konecny
on April 09, 2015
with 0 comments
Q: Hi How are you doing today?
A. Fine? Is your next question going to be as insightful and hard hitting as your last one?
Q. (Gerr) No
Question 25: We touched on your confidence already. Do you have any fears?
Answer 25: Of course I do. We all have fears you just have to pull up your big girl underoos and face them head on or they will just keep trying to overwhelm you. Though we all have fears that we struggle with every day. For example I suffer terribly from Mephobia.
Q. Dear Lord what is that?
Answer 25 Continued: I t's the Fear that if I become anymore Awesome the human race could not handle it and everyone would die. It is a constant burden on my heart. (looks down with a troubled expression)
Q. Can you be serious for 5 minutes? ( in a loud voice, face turning red)
A. I am being serious... mostly.
Q. (Jumps up, lunges over table)
Q. Sorry, sorry I lost my cool for a second.
A. (cough, cough) I didn't realize attempted strangulation was part of the interview possess. No wonder celebrities are always complaining about having to do them.
Q. Look I said I was Sorry (Glare)
A. OK, ok I'll answer anything you want to know. (hands up waving in a defensive posture)
Q. Really anything? (evil grin)
A. Um....
Q. How about religion or politics?
A. …(long pause)... I think I would rather go back to the strangulation. (totally dead pan)
And that is how the Q&A ended on a not so high note.

by Amy Konecny
on March 19, 2015
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Question 11: Do you have any more stories about Ninjas and Chickens?
Answer 11: Yes quite a few. For example did you know there are actually 4 types of chickens? The differences are as great in some cases as the Blue Whale and Hippopotamus. Now you might ask “Wouldn't that mean that they are different specie?”. However genitally speaking the hippo is the closet relative to the whale. Crazy hu?
Question 12: Would you tell me more about Ninjas and Chickens?
Answer 12: I would be happy to, but maybe we can keep this line of questing for a different Q&A session and go back to the more getting to know you kind of questions.
Q. Fair enough.
Question 13?: Are you in shape?
Answer 13: Yes, round is a shape.
Q. Ugg. (bangs head on table) back to the sass I see
Question 13 Revised: Do you work out, exorcize, or do anything at all to say in shape?
Answer: I stretch regularly and do some weight training so I don't hurt myself when I'm setting up or taking down my booth and when the weather is nice I walk, but if I had to run for my life I would probably die.
Q. Well that was honest.
A. It's not like I can tell you all I'm a swimsuit model when you can easily find me at a show. Well OK I could tell you that because I am awesome and sexy, but I'm not the shape that the boring people in fashion are looking for. (sigh)
Question 14: Do you have a hobby?
Answer 14: Yes. My hobby is fixing, painting and repurposing old furniture. Look here is a picture of an old piano bench I turned into a side table.
A. (Pulls out phone) Would you like to see some of the other things I've done?
…..... 30 minutes later.....
Q. Why did I ask that question? (mumble) It's like asking someone about their kids or pets.
A. Oh pet's I have cat pictures too. Want to see? (looks way to happy)
Q. No that's alright we still need to get the Q&A over.
A. (face falls) ok
Question 15: You said in the introduction that you work 90 hours a week. Is that true? If so how do you have time to have a hobby?
Answer 15: Yes it is true, however it's more of an average than a strait forward ever week sort of thing. During the months of October, November, and half of December I will work 110 hours in a week. However in January and July I might only work 40 hours in a week. I give myself about 2 weeks a year; usually in December, to just sit at home and stare at the walls, do other craft projects, or bake. During my shorter work weeks I will work on furniture or some other project. The rest of the year I will do small craft projects that don't take up much time, but allow me to express my creativity in a new or different way. Or I'll have a large project that I can do in small bites of time.

by Amy Konecny
on March 05, 2015
with 0 comments
Question 5: You Really don't seam to lack self confidence. Why is that?
Answer 5: I have a saying that I came up with that answers that question perfectly “When God Makes You This Wonderful, Being Modest Is Just Rude” (nodes head sagely). Oh or the other one that I came up with works too “You Can't Put This Much Sexy Into A Skinny Body”.
Q. I'm not sure how the second one answers the question, but OK
A. What? It's perfect, it means love yourself an all that you are.
Q. Yes, but that just....( sigh) Never mind I will not get into that with you. Lets get back to the Q&A
A. OK (smile)
Question 6: I am told that you believe that we all live in our own little universe is that true?
Answer 6: Yes.... (nodes head vigorously) Oh should I expand on that?
Q. (Glare)
Answer 6 continued: I believe that each person lives in there own universe or dimension. There is a lot of overlap between these places that's how we can all touch one another and communicate. However there is always something that works differently in your universe than in someone else. It might be big or small, but it's always there. This is how conflicts and misunderstandings happen, particularly the kind of conflicts/ misunderstandings that occur because you both think your talking about the something, but in reality your not. It can also effect greatly how you venue the world compared to other people.
Question 7: Give me 2 examples of how your universe differs from most others.
Answer 7: In my universe the word Fondle is a good word and Ninjas and Chickens are mortal enemy's.
Question 8: Did you say fondle was a good word? (blush)
Answer 8: Yes I tell my customers to fondle my jewelry all the time. The technical definition of the word fondle is: to touch in a loving and careful way or to receive a large amount of personal pleasure from touching. Since I would like my customers to both enjoy touching my jewelry and to treat it gently I think it's a perfect word.
Question 8b: Um what about the other meaning?
Answer 8b: Get your mind out of the gutter. Gees. I don't even want to know what your thinking about doing to thous earrings.
Q. What? No! That's not what I meant. (blush furiously)
A. (Falls over laughing) Sorry, sorry just could not help myself.
Q. (Glare) You are a sick and twisted woman.