by Amy Konecny
on April 23, 2018
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Whats a Dinglehopper? It's a thing humans use to comb their hair of course.

Hope you get as big a kick out of these earrings as I did the quote when I was not but a little girl.
by Amy Konecny
on April 16, 2018
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You have see House Kittendor , now it's Flufflepuff's chance to shine.

Flufflepuff is my FAVORITE Harry Pawter house. I mean really how can you go wrong with a mash-up between Hufflepuff and Bunnys. I did all the houses and had a blast making all the house crests. If you look very closely you'll notice that they all have a shape representing the animals for each house and that is just the basic shape of the crest. You'll also notice that the Bunny with the house scarf on is holding a carrot shaped wand 'cause these little details really amuse me.
Once again because I was having way to much fun with this bracelet I added a lot more words to the description on the sales page, here is an excerpt..."If you have been sorted into house Flufflepuff (the best house there is) and the idea of a good day is getting conformable on your favorite cozy chair with some fresh backed cookies, a glass of milk to wash it down, a good comic/novel/show, and a stick to hit the person that is bothering you while you are so happily engaged (or possibly a squirt gun, or jar of glitter, oh or more cookies because if their mouth is full of yummy goodness then its all good)?" Now you might be wondering why would a Flufflepuff be contemplating violence? Well that is really easy, even though all Flufflepuffs are easy going and really prefer to have fun and relax life they are not fond of people that disturb the peace for selfish or unfair reasons and will work to keep miscreants in there place and happiness and peace in there and there friends/family's life. You will often find Flufflepuffs working for the grater good as Teachers, Firefighters, Military Personal, Doctors/Nurses, Vets, or working for or volunteering with Charities. We also really like hugs, and most of us like cookies and ice-cream.
Sorry this was posted so late for some reason it just did not go live
What house are you? Kittendor, Flufflepuff, Bearclaw, or Slobberen
by Amy Konecny
on April 09, 2018
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The Most Boring Day In History

Did you know that on April 11 1954..... Nothing happened. In other words no major events where recorded. It was the most boring day in history. So celebrate this up coming Wednesday by doing nothing. Stay at home, sleep in late, read a book, paint your toenails and go back to sleep. Hope you enjoy the most boring day. If we all celebrate it maybe we can have another one where nothing major happens... wouldn't that be a nice change.
by Amy Konecny
on March 05, 2018
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Luck of the Irish to you

Okay not really an Irish themed pair of earrings, but I did have fun setting up the background for this picture so that should count for something. Plus like the earrings say I do what I want. If you like to do it your own way as well then you should be checking out these awesome earrings... was that plug shameless enough? It was? Oh good I was going for shameless.
by Amy Konecny
on February 26, 2018
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cause you can never go wrong with Tea

Okay I'll admit it I was having a bit to much fun when I drew this artwork, but come on R2-D2 and Tea how can it be wrong. Really I'm planing an Alice in Wonderland (Tea Party scene) Star Wars Mash-up and I was so intensely happy with this charm once done that It just had to go online. I have also done artwork for BB-8 as a sugar pot and C3-PO as a teacup, but this one is my favorite. When the bracelet is done It will be called "We're All Droids Here" 'cause Tea, Puns, Mash-ups, Sci-fi, Geek all rolled into one thing just hits all my happy buttons. Hope you get a kick out of it too.
by Amy Konecny
on February 19, 2018
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First you get Kittendor now it's Flufflepuff. Where will the cuteness end? Flufflepuff is by far my favorite Harry Potter x Animal cross over bracelet / Theme I have made and I had a lot of fun doing it. You'll notice that I put in a lot of silly detail when making the House Crest with the floppy ears, and carrot, to the cotton tail at the bottom. I will be adding the bracelet in just a bit so hope you get as big a kick out of the silly puns as I have.
by Amy Konecny
on February 12, 2018
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Here is my Shameless Plug to get you to head over to my Patreon Page.

Now you may be asking yourself "What is Patreon and why should I check out this page". That's a good question and I'm glad you asked.
What is Patreon: Patreon is basically a way for normal people to be Patrons of the arts. It's set up a lot like Kick-Starter in that you get something for the money you shell out, but it's a monthly thing as apposed to one-time. Also you are helping a struggling artist make their living doing what they love best and that is making art and the world a prettier/stranger place.
Why Should I Check it out?: You get lot out of it and there are tears to how you can help. From totally free; about 40% of the content is free to the public, All the way up to a $50 a monthly subscription box. Close to everyday posts with lots of new art, Specials and events that are exclusive to my Patrons, Glimpses into our lives and what makes crazy artists tick, the ability to influence new jewelry to be made, Priority on custom work, Bad Puns, and much more.
So be one of the cool people and check it out. Really even if all you do is read the free posts and like and comment on them it is a big morale boost for me. I know most people don't think it's much to hit the like button, but for artist like me it's the world. We get to know that you like what we put are hearts and minds into and gives us a little boost when we are feeling down... heck it gives us a boost even when we are feeling good. So if you have liked anything I have done share the love and click that button.
by Amy Konecny
on February 05, 2018
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February's Featured Item

Because nothing says romance and love like Harry Potter and Sass. I still giggle over this saying and yes I know it's new and you just saw a blog about it being added 2 weeks ago, but it just makes me so darn happy that it had to be my first Featured Item. Also I really have been wanting to put together these little vignettes for a while. It was really fun playing around with all the elements and getting the picture to look just right. It has been years since I have done that and I think I've gotten a lot better. Go Art!
by Amy Konecny
on January 29, 2018
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Awesome Wow Hamilton is back!
Finally got around to adding Hamilton back to the website. Last time I foolishly only added one and it sold within the first hour of being up (guess the customer had set a watch to the page). This time; being a much smarter monkey, there are 3. Hopefully it will last a bit longer or maybe I should not hope for that : ) . Anyway if you or a loved one has been dying to get your hands on one of these Awesome bracelets they are now available again
by Amy Konecny
on January 21, 2018
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Muggle Please I'm Magic

It's 2018 and it's time I gave this blog a little more love. I'm not going to do a monthly sale any more since very few people ever took advantage of it, but I will be highlighting an item (mostly earrings) each month and I'll try to be better at updating and adding new product to the website this year.
The first new item of the year are these very funny "Muggle Please" Harry Potter inspired earrings. Hope you get a kick out of them.
If you would like to see more updates and interesting information about either myself or Tig check out our Patreon Page (posts go up most days) and Instagram.